Pentecostal pioneers who had been Methodists included Charles Fox Parham, the formulator of the "initial evidence"
theology; William J. Seymour, the pastor of the Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles who spread the movement to the nations
of the world; J.H. King of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, who led his denomination into the Pentecostal movement in 1907-08;
and Thomas Ball Barratt, the father of European Pentecostalism. All of these men retained most of the Wesleyan teaching on
entire sanctification as a part of their theological systems. In essence, their position was that a sanctified "clean heart"
was a necessary prerequisite to the baptism in the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking in tongues.
Other early Pentecostal pioneers from non-Methodist backgrounds accepted the premise of second blessing holiness
prior to becoming Pentecostals. For the most part, they were as much immersed in holiness experience and theology as their
Methodist brothers. These included C. H. Mason (Baptist), of the Church of God in Christ, A.J. Tomlinson (Quaker), of the
Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), B.H. Irwin (Baptist) of the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church, and N.J. Holmes (Presbyterian)
of the Tabernacle Pentecostal Church. In the light of the foregoing information, it would not be an overstatement to say that
Pentecostalism, at least in America, was born in a holiness cradle.
It was not until 1906, however, that Pentecostalism achieved worldwide attention through the Azusa Street revival
in Los Angeles led by the African-American preacher William Joseph Seymour. He learned about the tongues-attested baptism
in a Bible school that Parham conducted in Houston, Texas in 1905. Invited to pastor a black holiness church in Los Angeles
in 1906, Seymour opened the historic meeting in April, 1906 in a former African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church building
at 312 Azusa Street in downtown Los Angeles.
What happened at Azusa Street has fascinated church historians for decades and has yet to be fully understood
and explained. For over three years, the Azusa Street "Apostolic Faith Mission" conducted three services a day, seven days
a week, where thousands of seekers received the tongues baptism. Word of the revival was spread abroad through The Apostolic
Faith, a paper that Seymour sent free of charge to some 50,000 subscribers. From Azusa Street Pentecostalism spread rapidly
around the world and began its advance toward becoming a major force in Christendom.
The Azusa Street movement seems to have been a merger of white American holiness religion with worship styles
derived from the African-American Christian tradition which had developed since the days of chattel slavery in the South.
The expressive worship and praise at Azusa Street, which included shouting and dancing, had been common among Appalachian
whites as well as Southern blacks. The admixture of tongues and other charisms with black music and worship styles created
a new and indigenous form of Pentecostalism that was to prove extremely attractive to disinherited and deprived people, both
in America and other nations of the world.
American Pentecostal pioneers who received tongues at Azusa Street went back to their homes to spread the movement
among their own people, at times against great opposition. One of the first was Gaston Barnabas Cashwell of North Carolina,
who spoke in tongues in 1906. His six-month preaching tour of the South in 1907 resulted in major inroads among southern holiness
folk. Under his ministry, Cashwell saw several holiness denominations swept into the new movement, including the Church of
God (Cleveland, Tennessee), the Pentecostal Holiness Church, the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church, and the Pentecostal Free-Will
Baptist Church.
Also in 1906, Charles Harrison Mason journeyed to Azusa Street and returned to Memphis, Tennessee to spread
the Pentecostal fire in the Church of God in Christ. Mason and the church he founded were made up of African-Americans only
one generation removed from slavery. (The parents of both Seymour and Mason had been born as southern slaves). Although tongues
caused a split in the church in 1907, the Church of God in Christ experienced such explosive growth that by 1993, it was by
far the largest Pentecostal denomination in North America, claiming some 5,500,000 members in 15,300 local churches. Another
Azusa pilgrim was William H. Durham of Chicago. After receiving his tongues experience at Azusa Street in 1907, he returned
to Chicago, where he led thousands of mid-western Americans and Canadians into the Pentecostal movement. His "finished work"
theology of gradual progressive sanctification, which he announced in 1910, led to the formation of the Assemblies of God
in 1914. Since many white pastors had formerly been part of Mason's church, the beginnings of the Assemblies of God was also
partially a racial separation. In time the Assemblies of God church was destined to become the largest Pentecostal denominational
church in the world, claiming by 1993 over 2,000,000 members in the U.S. and some 25,000,000 adherents in 150 nations of the
In addition to the ministers who received their Pentecostal experience at Azusa Street, there were thousands
of others who were indirectly influenced by the revival in Los Angeles. Among these was Thomas Ball Barratt of Norway, a Methodist
pastor later to be known as the Pentecostal apostle to northern and western Europe.
In addition to the ministers who received their Pentecostal experience at Azusa Street, there were thousands
of others who were indirectly influenced by the revival in Los Angeles. Among these was Thomas Ball Barratt of Norway, a Methodist
pastor later to be known as the Pentecostal apostle to northern and western Europe.
From Chicago, through the influence of William Durham, the movement spread quickly to Italy and South America.
African Pentecostalism owed its origins to the work of John Graham Lake (1870-1935), who began his ministry
as a Methodist preacher but who later prospered in the business world as an insurance executive.
In summary, all these movements, both Pentecostal and charismatic, have come to constitute a major force in
Christendom throughout the world with explosive growth rates not seen before in modern times. By 1990, The Pentecostals and
their charismatic brothers and sisters in the mainline Protestant and Catholic churches were turning their attention toward
world evangelization. Only time will reveal the ultimate results of this movement which has greatly impacted the world during
the Twentieth Century.