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Supt. Cooper was offered churches in the large cities, but his words were always, "Someone has to take care of the rurals".  He went down roads such as this one leading to the Centerhill Church and motivated the building of churches successfully.  He actually had two churches built at the same time.  He loved a challenge for Christ.  When others told him that something could not be done, he succeeded in proving them wrong. 
With much adversity, his mission in life was to build God's people the best tabernacles.  For the building of the Galilee Church of Huntsville, Texas, it was announced by the members that our dad did everything for the completion of that grand new building.  He went to the bank.  He applied for the loan.  He obtained the loan.  He brought it to the people.  He let them sign it.  He hosted banquets.  He held the rallys.  He burned the mortgage.  What more could we ask of a man?  Even the angels say Amen!
Many of the places that he traveled, back roads and front, the people had not yet heard about holiness.  He went into the highways and hedges compelling men to come to Christ.   His life, then, has been one comprised of building people and building temples for the Gospel of Christ.  And although he conducted great revivals elsewhere, he has always had a special love for the rurals.  Today I see that he was right in saying that somebody has to see to the rurals for today who is humble enough to truly pastor in the rurals?  Most men want only the "big time" or "bright lights".  Remember Vistula?  Supt. Cooper took bus loads to this church located deep in the woods and God rocked the church, an old frame building with wooded benches, wooded floors, gas heater, etc.
The Cooper Family thank God for the loyal members who have hosted anniversaries yearly to try to show them love and appreciation for there were no salaries for them in these ministries.  Their lives have been lived only by faith in God since they sacrificed their lives to the Holy Call.  They were called with a Holy calling, 2 Timothy 1:8.  They are heroes of faith such as those in the Book of Hebrews 11 and 12. 


He attended church every day, Sunday to Sunday.  He pastored Centerhill, Noble Temple, Galilee, Tucker, Kennard, and Browns Memorial churches.  He remodeled some.  He rebuilt others.  He held tent revivalsHe blessed them all. 


I Won't Complain

Paul was a young man who loved his family:  the Coopers and Jones.  And he showed how he loved his Uncle Noble over and over again.  How we miss him!
The Late Rev. Paul Jones was also a grand nephew of Supt. Cooper.  Rev. Jones is the recording artist of the famous international gospel song, "I won't complain".  Rev. Jones, as a child, used to imitate his uncle's preaching by listening to his tapes.  He became a dynamic preacher and pastor who loved his uncle dearly.  Not only did he love his uncle, but he had great compassion for his entire family, for people (even strangers) and the church.  When he was a child, he could always make you laugh.  Rev. Paul Jones was the first person that I have heard say this wise statement:  "GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE, NOT ADAM AND STEVE". 


Supt. Cooper could preach the word without scripts or notes.  He was a preaching machine, always ready, full of the word, moved by the Spirit of God, quoting scriptures from Genesis to Revelation word for word, line upon line, exact verse locations in the Bible.  He spoke a prophetic and healing word.  "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit."  2 Peter 1:19-21 
He presented his mind, body, and soul to God as a living vessel of honor as sacrifice to the Gospel.  He took the scriptures literally.   Isaiah 26:3 said  "You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You".  He actually preached all the time.  He constantly whispered sermons as he walked throughout his house, while driving his car - you could see his hands waving and head swerving. 
Supt. Cooper is a man who walked it, loved it, and talked it everyday of his life.  He testified one day stating to everyone that he has never thought of turning back since God saved him.
His conversion was very unique.  His wife often tells the story.  God saved him after his wife, then Dorphine Byrd, only 12 years old was drawn to a picture of him given to her by his brother.   She began to pray over his picture for his salvation.  God had already saved Dorphine when she was only 7 years old. 
Dorphine knew that Noble was destined to be her husband.  It took seven (7) years of prayer, then one night God spoke to him as he stood outside the church windows looking in on a revival.  He was drawn inside and the Spirit led him down to the altar where he was transformed.  He often sings a song when he speaks of his experience, "Goodbye World, I don't need you anymore!"
Soon afterwards, Noble married Dorphine.  He had made attempts to marry other women, but Dorphine's prayers prevailed.   Here they are today, ten children and a gigantic ministry later, yet growing, yet thriving, yet anointed. 


Among his own sons, Supt. Cooper has a host of nephews who are in the gospel ministry:  Pictured above is Supt. Connie L. Cooper, nephew, who is a great preacher and pastor in the Houston area.
Supt. Joel Love has worked with his uncle on many occasions.  Elder Love pastors in the Houston area also.  He still testifies of his salvation through the prayers of his auntie, Missionary Dorphine Cooper.  She would not give up on him.
Rev. Simpson, nephew, also pastors in Houston.  Supt. Cooper and his wife nurtured their nephew, James, Rev. Simpkin's father.  Rev. Simpkins will be featured on the new CD with Dee Cooper-Durden.  He has the gift to play the guitar like his Uncle Noble. 
Rev. Jesse James Jones Jr. (J.J.) is also a preacher, guitarist, and soloist.  He is the brother of Rev. Paul Jones.  JJ is a recording artist and travels near and far singingAnother nephew in the gospel is Eld. West Robinson of Dallas, Texas.

We commend our father and mother for the great feats they have accomplished for the GOSPEL OF CHRIST which we know were made possible only by the anointed power and favor of God.
The Cooper Children

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